第 200 课:松散团体-3

The famous saying "no taxation without representation" expressed the anger of the colonists. “无代表权则不纳税”这一名言就出自愤怒的被殖民者。

The new movement took shape last year. 去年发起了新的运动。

The activists gained national attention by protesting the health care reform efforts of President Obama and the Democrats in Congress. 活动人士通过反对奥巴马总统和国会民主党的医保改革受到国家的关注。

Linda Hernandez is a Tea Party activist in Maryland. Linda Hernandez 是马里兰州的倾茶党成员。

She spent many days last summer yelling at her television, she says, in reaction to the health care debate. 她表示,去年夏天她耗费了很多时间在电视机前吼叫,是对医保辩论的反应。