第 200 课:松散团体-4

Then she became involved with a local Tea Party group online. 于是,她加入了当地倾茶党的线上组织。

She joined several busloads of Tea Party activists in Washington last week. 上周在华盛顿,她参与了数次运载倾茶党成员的任务。

They protested outside the president's health care meeting with Democratic and Republican lawmakers. 他们同民主党和共和党立法者们一起在总统的医保会场外进行抗议。

Last month about one thousand people attended a national Tea Party convention in Tennessee. 上月,在田纳西州举行了由千人出席的全国倾茶党大会。

They heard from former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. 他们听取了前共和党副总统候选人佩林的讲演。

But conservatives are not the only ones organizing. 然而,这不是保守主义者的唯一组织。