第 200 课:松散团体-5

Another new group has been growing through Facebook in reaction to the Tea Party. 另一新的组织已经壮大,并通过 Facebook 对倾茶党做出回应。

The Coffee Party Movement uses the slogan "Wake Up and Stand Up." 咖啡党使用“觉醒和站立”作为标语。

Its founder, Annabel Park, is a documentary film maker. 创立者 Annabel Park 是纪录片制片人。

She says the Coffee Party shares the Tea Party's unhappiness with Congress. 她表示,咖啡党与倾茶党一样对对国会不满。

But she says fixing the government does not have to mean making it the enemy. 但他认为,改变政府并不必然意味着要与征服为敌。

Now the Tea Party and the Coffee Party can both pour their efforts into the congressional elections this November. 如今,倾茶党和咖啡党都能倾注力量于 11 月的国会选举。