第 201 课:公司与自然人-3

After the Civil War in the eighteen sixties, the Fourteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution. 在 1860 年代美国内战之后,宪法新增了第 14 修正案。第 14 修正案规定。

It provides that no state may "deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law ... " 未经正当的法律程序,各州不得“剥夺任何自然人的生命、自由或财产 …… ”。

If a corporation is legally a person, then states cannot limit corporate rights without due process of law either. 如果公司是法定自然人,那么未经正当的法律程序,各州也不得限制公司的权利。

At first, corporations were not fully recognized as persons. 首先,公司过去未完全被认可为自然人。

But Jeff Sklansky at Oregon State University says that changed. 但是, 俄勒冈州立大学 的 Jeff Sklansky 说,这有了变化。