For each ten percentage point increase in sports participation, she found a one point increase in female college attendance. 她发现,在运动参与上每增加10%,在女性大学受教育上就增加1%。
She also linked it to a one to two point increase in the number of women in the labor force. 她同时也发现,参加工作的女性数量也会增加1—2%。
The other study looked at physical health. Robert Kaestner is an economics professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 另一项研究关注体格健康。Robert Kaestner是芝加哥伊利诺伊大学的一位经济学教授。
He compared obesity rates and physical activity levels of women who had been in high school before and after Title Nine took effect. 他比较了Title Nine生效前后上中学女性的肥胖率和体格水平。