第 203 课:安全召回-3

But this week, lawmakers released a company document showing Toyota had saved one hundred million dollars by negotiating a limited recall over the issue. 但是,立法者本周披露了丰田公司的一份文件,表明丰田公司通过谈判而就这一问题进行有限的召回,从而节约了 1 亿美元。

The document listed that deal among several "wins" for Toyota. 这一文件将这一交易列为丰田公司的几个“小聪明”之一。

The document added to criticisms that federal officials did not act aggressively enough against Toyota. 该文件为联邦官员未对丰田公司采取积极举措的批评增添了佐料。

But others say Toyota is being treated unfairly because the government now owns sixty percent of General Motors. 但是,其他人士说,丰田正在受到不公正待遇,因为美国政府目前拥有通用汽车的 60% 股权。

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood was questioned earlier in the day and dismissed that idea. 交通部长 Ray LaHood 在前一天受到质询时,否认这点。