第 205 课:托业考试-1

This week on our program, we answer a question from Japan. 这个星期我们节目回答的问题来自日本。

A listener named Maki would like to know if the test known as the TOEIC is popular in the United States. 一位叫做Maki的听众想知道托业考试在美国是否普遍。

TOEIC is the Test of English for International Communication. 托业考试的全称是国际交流英语考试。

It gives the ability of people to communicate in the workplace using everyday English. 通过了考试即证明在工作中具备使用日常英语的能力。

The Educational Testing Service in Princeton, New Jersey, develops and administers the TOEIC. 在新泽西州普林斯顿的美国教育考试局负责托业的管理和开发。