第 206 课:帮助希腊-2

Investors had a mixed reaction to the statements from Brussels. 投资人对布鲁塞尔的声明反应不一。

Worries over Greek debt have pushed the euro to its lowest value in months against the dollar. 对希腊债务的担忧将欧元兑美元汇率推至数月来最低。

European Union finance ministers are expected to talk about Greece when they meet in the Belgian capital next week. 欧盟财长们预计在下周比利时首都聚会时讨论希腊问题。

Sixteen of the twenty-seven nations in the European Union use the euro as their currency. 在欧盟 27 个成员国中,有 16 个国家使用欧元。

Now, the stronger members are seeking ways to help the weaker ones like Greece. 目前,强势成员国寻求帮助诸如希腊等弱势成员国的途径。