European Union rules limit the choices for a rescue. 欧盟规则限制救援的选择。
The European Central Bank and national central banks are barred from aiding members by purchasing their debt. 欧洲央行以及各国央行不得通过购债帮助成员国。
European officials hope to avoid the crisis that could spread if Greece fails to pay its debts. 如果希腊无法偿还债务,欧盟官员希望避免危机扩散。
Greece needs to borrow more than seventy billion dollars this year to finance its budget and refinance its debts. 希腊今年因其预算开支及债务重新融资而需要借款 700 亿美元以上。
In October, Greece said its budget deficit would reach almost thirteen percent of its gross domestic product last year. 10 月,希腊说其预算赤字可达到去年 GDP (国民生产总值)的 13% 左右。