第 207 课:全球召回-2

Toyota says the problem is rare and caused by accelerator pedals becoming stuck open. 丰田说,这一问题鲜见,并且由加速 踏板 脱落卡住 造成。

On January twenty-sixth, the company suspended sales of eight of its top-selling vehicles in the United States, its largest market. 1 月 26 日,丰田在美国这一最大市场上暂停了八款最畅销汽车的销售。

Toyota dealers have been receiving parts to make repairs. 丰田汽车经销商不断收到修理的零部件。

General Motors and Ford both reported increased sales in January. 据报道,通用汽车和福特汽车 1 月份销量上升。

But Toyota sales in the United States have fallen, and so has its stock price. 但是,丰田 1 月份在美国的销量下降,其股票价格也下跌。