第 207 课:全球召回-4

The Transportation Department says it has received more than one hundred twenty reports, including reports of four crashes. 美国交通部称其已经收到 120 多份报告,包括四例撞车报告。

Toyota says it found a software problem that could briefly affect the "feel" of the anti-lock brakes on rough or slippery roads. 丰田称已经找到在不平或光滑路面上短暂影响 防抱死制动 的软件问题。

It says it fixed the brake problem last month. 丰田称已经在上月解决了这一刹车问题。

But a growing number of legal cases claim Toyota knew for a long time about the sudden acceleration issue with other vehicles. 但是,数量不断上升的法律案例声称,丰田此前早已知道其它车型的突然加速问题。

The problem reportedly has led to more than eight hundred crashes and nineteen deaths in the past ten years. 据报道,这一问题在过去 10 年间导致了 800 多例撞车以及 19 名人员死亡。