第 209 课:国情咨文-3

In addition, he said he takes his share of the blame for not explaining health care proposals more clearly to the public. 另外,他说没有对公众详细解释卫生保健提案有他的一份责任。

President Obama again promised to remove all American combat troops from Iraq by the end of August. 奥巴马总结又一次承诺今后八月底将所有的美国战斗部队从伊拉克撤回。

He predicted success in Afghanistan . 他预言在阿富汗会取得成功。

And he had a warning for nations that violate international agreements "in pursuit of nuclear weapon." 同时他警告那些违反了“追求无核武器”国际条约的国家。

He said that is why North Korea now faces strong sanctions. 他说这就是为什么北韩现在面临强硬制裁的原因。