第 209 课:国情咨文-4

The new governor of Virginia gave the republican response to the state of the union speech. 维亚尼亚的新任州长对国情咨文作出了共和党的反应。

Bob McDonnell said democrats are spending too much and creating a level of debt that can not be supported. Bob McDonnell 说民主党花销太大,正将国债推向一个无法承担的水平。

On Friday president Obama proposed tax credits for every new employee that a business hires this year. 星期五,奥巴马总统提议今年对商业招聘的新雇员实行课税扣除。

He also joined house of republican for a sometimes tense meeting at their yearly gathering. 他也参加了众议院的年度集会,有时这是一个紧张的会议。

And the commerce department reported that economic growth at the end of 2009 was the fastest in six years. 商业部报告说在 2009 年年末,经济增长是六年来最快的。