第 210 课:娱乐媒体-2

Vicky Rideout at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health research group, wrote the report. 来自凯撒家庭基金会(一健康研究组织)的 Vicky Rideout 撰写了本报告。

She was surprised that kids could fit even more media time into their day. 对青少年在日常生活能够挤出更多的媒体使用时间,她感到吃惊。

She found that they spent ten hours and forty-five minutes if you counted each device individually. 她发现,如果每个媒体单独计算,青少年的使用时间是 10 小时 45 分钟。

But children multi-task a lot, and Vicky Rideout says this is not necessarily a good thing. 但是,青少年经常同时进行多种工作( / 使用多种媒体); Vicky Rideout 说,这未必是好事。

The study suggests a link between heavy media use and lower performance in school. 这项研究表明大量使用媒体与校内成绩不佳存在关联。