第 211 课:交流方式-2

She says words and phrases like "guy" and "you know" now appear in research papers. 她说诸如“家伙”和“你也清楚”的单词和短语现在出现在研究论文中。

And she now has to talk about another problem in class, she says -- incorrect word use. 并且,她现在不得不谈论在课堂上的另一个问题,她说,是错别字。

For example, a student says "preclude" instead of "precede" when talking about one event coming before another. 例如,当一个学生想说一件事情发生在另一件事情前面时,会说 "preclude" 而不 "precede" 。

It sounds like precede but it means prevent. 它听起来像是“先于”,但是它的意思是“阻止”。

Professor Johnson suspects a strong link between the rise of instant and casual communication online and an increase in writing mistakes. JOHNSON 教授认为即时的和偶然的网络交流和语法错误的增加有很强的联系。