第 211 课:交流方式-3

But she admits there may not be much scientific evidence, at least not yet. 但是她承认没有科学的证据,至少还没有(证据)。

David Crystal is a British linguist who has written more than one hundred books, including the book "language and the internet." David Crystal 是一位已经写了一百多本书的英国语言学家,包括《语言和网络》。

He says the actively changing nature of internet makes it difficult to stay current in studying its effects. 他说网络活跃的自然属性使得要静态地研究它的影响很难。

But he believes its influence on language is small. 但是他相信网络对语言的影响是小的。

Erin Jansen is founder of Net lingo, an online dictionary of internet and text messaging terms. Erin Jansen 是 Net lingo 的发起人,这是一种网络和短语术语的在线词典。