第 212 课:被蛇咬伤-1

Snakes bite an estimated five and a half million people worldwide each year. 全球每年估记有 550 万人被蛇咬伤的。

Experts say tens of thousands of people die from venom poisoning. 专家说数以千计的人死于毒液中毒。

An untreated or incorrectly treated bite might require the removal of a bitten foot, for example, or an arm. 如果不处理或治疗不当的咬伤,可能会要求截掉被咬伤的腿或是胳膊。

Each year around four hundred thousand amputations are the result of snakebites. 每年约有 40 万人因蛇咬伤的缘故而截肢。

Last year, for the first time, the World Health Organization added snakebites to its list of "neglected tropical diseases." 去年,世界卫生组织首次将蛇咬伤列入其“被忽视的热带疾病”目录内。