第 212 课:被蛇咬伤-2

This recognition aims to bring greater attention to the problem. 做出这样的认定旨在让人们更多关注这一问题。

Scientists know of about three thousand kinds of snakes. About six hundred of them are venomous. 科学家知道的蛇有约 3000 种,其中的 600 种有毒。

These are most often found in rural areas in tropical climates. 这些毒蛇在热带气候的农村地区最为常见。

Asia and Africa have the highest number of snakebites -- together about four million a year. 亚洲和非洲被蛇咬的事件数量最多,合起来大约有一年 400 万人。

Latin America and islands in the South Pacific follow. 拉丁美洲和南太平洋岛屿紧随其后。