第 212 课:被蛇咬伤-3

The highest number of victims are agricultural workers. 在被毒蛇咬伤的受害者中,人数最多的就是农业工作者是。

Snakebites are also common among fishermen, hunters and children. 渔夫、猎人、儿童也很普遍。

Many victims live in areas with poor or non-existent health care systems and where antivenom treatments are often not available. 很多伤者生活在贫穷或没有医疗保健系统的地区,那里抗蛇毒素治疗经常都无法获得。

Antivenom is the only cure. But experts say antivenom technologies and their use need to be improved. 抗蛇毒素可以治愈蛇咬伤。但是专家说抗蛇毒素技术和其应用还需要改善。

Problems include a shortage of manufacturers and the high cost of treatment. 存在问题包括生产商的短缺和高成本的治疗费用。