第 212 课:被蛇咬伤-5

David Warrell at the University of Oxford in England co-wrote one of them. 英国牛津大学的 David Warell 参与撰写了其中的一遍。

He praised efforts by the W.H.O. to establish common practices for the production, regulation and control of antivenom. 世界卫生组织赞扬了他为生产、调节、管理抗蛇毒素所做的努力。

But he says more must be done. 不过他说还要很多工作必需要做。

The authors say community education programs could help prevent snakebites by teaching people how to avoid them. 该系列报告的作者说社区培训项目通过教导人们如果避开蛇,防止人们被蛇咬。

They also suggest actions like providing protective boots to wear while working in fields, and not sleeping on the ground. 他们同样建议如在田地工作时穿上防护靴,另外不要在地上睡觉。

Also important is providing information about where dangerous snakes are most likely to live and when they are most active. 另外更为重要的是提供关于那里是毒蛇经常出没的地区,以及什么时候是蛇最活跃阶段的信息。