第 218 课:循环放牧-3

As a result, less desirable plants may replace them. 结果是,代之以长势不好的草地。

Intensively uses of grasslands are also harmed as the soil is continually crushed under the weight of heavy animals. 当土壤连续在动物沉重体重的碾压下,牧场的高强度使用也是有害的。

And the animals usually avoid their own waste, so that reduces the amount of good grazing space even more. 动物通常会避开自己的粪便,这样就更加减少了适宜放牧场地的数量。

Experts say that while rotational grazing can save money over time, it also requires planning. 专家们说,虽然循环放牧长远上可以省钱,它也还是需要有计划。

And that starts with a good map to mark fences, water supplies and grazing areas. 因此,最好是先有张地图标示出围栏、供水系统和牧区。