More than thirty new cases of polio were reported in Afghanistan last year. 去年,阿富汗有 30 多起的小儿麻痹病例被报道。
About half were type one and the others type three. 近一半病例是一型 病毒 (第一类型),其它的是 三型 (第三类型)。
Rod Curtis says that shows the importance of the new vaccine targeting both viruses at once. Rod Curits 它证明这种可一次性预防两种病毒的新疫苗的重要性。
Officials say similar vaccination campaigns are planned this year in India , Nigeria and Pakistan. 官员们表示类似接种疫苗运动今年计划在印度,尼日利亚、巴基斯坦展开。