第 219 课:小儿麻痹症-5

Intensive vaccination campaigns have reduced the number of new polio cases reported worldwide to fewer than two thousand a year. 密集的接种疫苗活动 使得全球小儿麻痹新增病例数量减少 2000 例以上 。

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative says the number has fallen by ninety-nine percent since nineteen eighty eight. 全球根除小儿麻痹疾病计划显示自 1988 年,患病人数已经下降 99% 。

Polio is highly infectious. One victim in two hundred suffers permanent paralysis, usually in the legs. 小儿麻痹症及其容易传染。每两百个患者中就有一人终生瘫痪,通常瘫痪部位都是腿。

Five to ten percent of those victims die when their breathing muscles fail. 5-10% 的患者因呼吸肌肉功能衰退而死。