第 22 课:三月疯狂-3

Different groups and organizations such as fraternities and sororities might have their own houses where their members live. 不同团体和组织,比如大学男生联谊会和女生联谊会,可能会拥有他们成员居住的自有住房。

And there is often housing for married students. 同时也常常有供已婚学生居住的宿舍。

Some dorms are nice, others are not so nice. 一些宿舍很好,其他的就不很好了。

But many students say they like the chance to make friends and be near their classes. 但是许多学生说他们喜欢结识朋友和上课方便的机会。

Cost is another consideration. Dorms can cost less than off-campus housing. 花费是又一个需要考虑的。宿舍会比校外住房开销少。