第 22 课:三月疯狂-4

But school-owned housing can also cost more, though the price may include meals. 但是校有宿舍也会花费得更多,尽管这个价钱可能包括了餐费。

Here are some questions to ask before making a decision: How much privacy can a student expect? 在做决定前需要问几个问题:一个学生可以期望有多少隐私?

Will the school provide a single room if a student requests one? 如果学生要求单间的话,学校会提供吗?

Will the school provide a special diet if a student needs one? 如果学生需要特别饮食,学校会提供吗?

And are any dorms open all year so international students can have a place to stay during long vacations? 有一些宿舍是全年开放的吗,这样国际学生在漫长的假期里就有一个落脚的地方了?