第 220 课:海地强震-2

But the airport is damaged and crowded with planes. 但是机场受到破坏且拥堵了很多飞机。

The main seaport was also damaged. 主要的港口也受损。

Blocked roads and limited communications have only further slowed aid efforts. Anger is a growing concern. 闭塞的道路以及受限的通信进一步减援救援的成绩。愤怒也逐渐扩大为关怀。

President Obama announced an immediate one hundred million dollars for relief efforts (救灾工作). 总统奥马巴宣布为救灾工作紧急援助 1 亿美金。

Thousands of American troops should be in the area by Monday. 周一数千名美国士兵抵达太子港。