第 220 课:海地强震-6

The agency has changed over the years -- it now does its work (起作用,发生效力) largely through private contractors. 美国国际开发署已改革数年 - 现在主要通过私人承包商。

The Obama administration wants to raise development to the same level of importance as defense and diplomacy. 奥巴马领导团队想将开发署发展成为像防御和外交部一样的重要程度。

Rajiv Shah says he plans to hire more experts. Rajiv Shan 说他计划雇佣更多的专家。

USAID now provides twenty billion dollars a year to development projects around the world. 美国国际开发署目前提供一年 200 亿美元开发全球的项目。

The plan is to increase that to fifty billion a year by two thousand twelve. 计划到 2012 年每年增加到 500 亿。