第 221 课:美国西点-2

West Point is the oldest continuously occupied military post in the United States. 西点在美国最古老的连续占领的军事哨所。

General George Washington built a fort there during the Revolutionary War to protect the Hudson River from the British. 在解放战争期间,为了保护哈得孙河免于英国人的侵袭,乔治.华盛顿将军在那儿建造了一个堡垒。

He moved his headquarters to West Point in seventeen seventy-nine in the middle of the war. 他在战争中期1779年,把他的指挥部移到西点。

In eighteen hundred and two, President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation to establish the military academy. 1802年,托马斯·杰斐逊总统签署法案建立军事研究院。

The education centered on civil engineering. 教育集中在土木工程。