第 222 课:第一出口国-2

Manufacturing has expanded, fueling exports. 制造业扩张推升了出口。

But China has not imported as much as its trade partners would like. 但是,中国进口低于贸易伙伴的期望;

Its policies about valuing its currency and its human rights record have also created tensions. 中国货币定价策略及人权记录也造成了紧张关系。

And now there is a new dispute. China is the world's largest Internet market, but Google says it may leave. 目前存在新的争议。中国是世界最大的网络市场,但谷歌称或退出。

The company said it was targeted last month by a major Internet attack launched from China. 谷歌称上月受到来自中国的重大网络攻击。