第 222 课:第一出口国-5

On Thursday a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said "China's Internet is open" and that Chinese law bars cyber attacks. 周四,中国外交部发言人称“中国网络是开放的”,并且中国法律禁止网络攻击。

Another government official said China itself is the victim of a growing number of foreign attacks. 另一位中国政府官员称,中国自己也是大量国外攻击的受害者。

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she would like an explanation from the Chinese about Google's accusations. 美国国务卿希拉里 . 克林顿说,她希望获知中国就谷歌指责的解释。

She is giving a speech next week about Internet freedom. 她下周会就网络自由发表讲话。