第 227 课:基地组织-2

They have also sent thousands of troops to Arhab and other areas to battle the local al-Qaida group. 他们同时派出数千人的部队至 Arhab 和其它地区,抵抗 当地的 基地组织 。

Yemen also plays a part in the case of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. 也门与 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab 事件也有联系。

He is the man accused of trying to bomb an American plane with explosives in his underwear. 他被指控试图 藏在 内衣里的爆炸物炸毁一架美国飞机。

A Yemeni deputy prime minister said Thursday that the twenty-three year old Nigerian met last year in Yemen with Anwar al-Awlaki. 一位也门副总理于周 4 表示, 23 岁的尼日利亚人于去年在也门与 Anwar al-Awlaki 见过 面。

The American-born Muslim clergyman is accused of supporting al-Qaida. 在美国出生的穆斯林牧师因支持 基地组织 被指控 。