第 227 课:基地组织-5

Passengers and crew restrained the man and put out the fire caused by a mixture of explosives. 乘客和机组人员阻止了此人,并扑灭了爆炸物所引起的火苗。

He could face life in prison. He appeared in federal court in Detroit for the first time Friday. 他将面临终生监禁。周 5 他首次在底特律的联邦法庭出庭。

He did not answer the charges himself but his lawyers entered a plea of not guilty. 他没有 回复对他本人的起诉,但是律师辨申请无罪辨护。

Some people say the case should have been handled in the military justice system. 一些人说案件应该由军事司法系统 处理。

On Thursday President Obama blamed the incident on what he called a "systemic failure across organizations and agencies." 周 4 总统奥巴马谴责这是 “ 机构和代理全部受挫的一个事件。

"Rather than a failure to collect or share intelligence," he said, "this was a failure to connect and understand the intelligence that we already had." 比收集或分享情报的失败更胜一筹 ,很难联系和理解我们已有的情报。”