第 228 课:美国的哲学家-2

He was not surperised that the question came from China. 对于那个问题来自中国他没有惊奇。

Dewey described his ideas in books in cluding "Democracy and Education," "the school and the society" and "how we think". 杜威在书中描述他的思想,包括 “ 民主与教育 ” , “ 学校与社会 ” 和 “ 我们如何思考 ” 。

He was also influential in the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, though he himself was white. 他在全国有色人种进步协会建立中也有重要的影响,虽然他是一个白人。

John Dewey was born in Burlington,Vermont, in eighteen fifty-nine. 约翰杜威出生于1959年 佛蒙特州伯灵顿。

He was influenced by the scientific work of Charles Darwin. 他被查理斯达尔文的科学工作影响。