第 228 课:美国的哲学家-4

But Dewey would likly have disagreed with many current practices in American education. like the wide used of standardized testing. 仅仅是杜威不同意美国教育当前的许多做法。像标准化测试的广泛应用。

John Dewey died in nineteen fifty-two. 约翰杜威死于1952。

But Dewey scholar Larry Hickman says his ideas are still being taught in education schools. 但是杜威学者拉里希克曼说杜威的思想正在教育学校中被讨论。

In fact last year was his one hundred fiftieth birthday. 实际上去年是他诞辰150周年。

Celebrations took place not only in the United States, but also at two unversities in Beijing and Croatia , Italy and Poland. 庆祝活动不但发生在美国,而且发生在北京的两所大学和克罗地亚、意大利和波兰。