第 229 课:电子产品展-4

But that can also mean smaller profits for manufacturers and sellers. 但也意味着厂家和商家的利润更少。

Companies like Sony and Panasonic are introducing new television sets for watching three-dimensional TV. 诸如索尼和松下等公司正在推出可观看三维电视的新型电视。

A three-D TV costs more than three thousand dollars. 三维电视的价格 3000 多美元。

Americans are expected to buy four million of them this year.美国人预计今年购买 400 万台。

Sports broadcaster ESPN and the Discovery Channel plan to start their own three-D channels. 体育转播公司 ESPN 和探索频道计划推出自己的三维节目。

The Consumer Electronics Show has an area for companies to demonstrate products that save energy, reduce waste and use recycled materials. 消费电子产品展为参展公司设立了一个专区,展示节能、减排并回收利用的产品。