第 233 课:依赖动物-7

The buyers were left with worthless holes in the ground. 留给买家的是一些毫无价值的矿洞。

Today, wildcat oil wells are in areas that are not known to have oil. 今天,“盲目钻井”发生在一些不为人知的有石油的地区。

Yet another kind of wildcat is the wildcat strike. 豹猫的另一意思是指“非法罢工”。

That is a strike called without official approval by a union. 那是一种没有经过总工会联合批准的罢工。

During World War Two, an American publication accused wildcat strikers of slowing government production. 在第二次世界大战期间,一个美国出版社就控诉了阻碍政府生产活动的野猫罢工。