第 235 课:圣诞老人-3

And so, when the English said this word, it sounded like Santa Claus. 因此,当英国人说到这个词时,听起来就如同 Santa Claus 一般。

West of New York, in Pennsylvania , many German farmers had also heard of Saint Nikolaas. But they called him Pelznickel. 在宾夕法尼亚州纽约西部,很多德国农民也听说过圣·尼古拉斯,但是他们称其为派兹尼克。

This word came from "pelz," meaning fur, and "nickel" for Nicholas. 这个单词来源于 "pelz" ,意思是毛皮、裘毛,而 "nickel" 源于 Nicholas 。

And so, to the Germans of Pennsylvania, Saint Nicholas or Pelznickel was a man dressed in fur who came once a year with gifts for good children. 因此,对于宾夕法尼亚州的德国人来说,圣·尼古拉斯或者派兹尼克是一个身着裘毛棉衣,每年一次送给乖孩子礼物的人。

Soon, people began to feel that the love and kindness Pelznickel brought should be part of a celebration honoring the Christkind , as the Germans called the Christ child. 不久,人们开始感觉到,由派兹尼克带来的爱心与善良应当作为人们向 “圣诞树” 表达敬意的节日庆典的组成部分,因为德国人将圣诞树称为“耶稣圣婴”。