A new study says the leading cause of disability in older people in low and middle income countries is dementia (痴呆). 一项新的研究显示在中低收入国家老年人伤残的主要原因是痴呆。
The researchers disagree with the World Health Organization which says blindness and other vision problems are the leading cause. 研究人员不认同世界卫生组织所说的失明和其它视力问题是痴呆的主要原因。
Dementia is a loss of intellectual ability that affects memory, learning, attention, thinking and language skills. 痴呆是丧失影响记忆、学习、注意力、思考、和语言技巧的智力能力。
People with dementia may forget family members or not know what day it is. 患有痴呆的病人可能忘记家人或是不知道今天是什么日子。
Sometimes they become angry or sad, hear voices, or see things that are not there. 有时他们变的喷怒或悲伤,听到或是看到不存在的声音或东西。