第 239 课:美国城市昵称-2

The winner was the nation's largest city, New York. 获胜者是该国家的最大城市—纽约。

The top nickname was The Big Apple. 这个最受推崇的昵称是 The Big Apple.

You might wonder how New York got this nickname. 你可能会纳闷纽约何以得到这样的昵称。

In the early nineteen seventies, the city had many problems. The number of visitors was falling. 在 20 世纪 70 年代初,该城市存在很多问题,其参观者数量一直在减少。

So a campaign was launched to give the city a new image. 因此,为了赋予纽约一个新的形象,人们便发起了一场运动。