And forty percent thought they should get a B, the second highest mark, just because they did most of the reading for class. 还有40%认为他们应得B,第二高的等级,就因为他们完成了攻读课程的绝大部分。
The findings appeared in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. The students were ages eighteen to twenty-five. 这些结果发表在【青少年期刊】上。学生的年龄在18到25岁之间。
Some experts are not surprised that students often see no difference between effort and results. 学生常常看不到努力和结果的关系,对这一现象一些专家并不感到诧异。
Social critics like to say that in children's activities these days, everyone gets an award just for trying, so no one will feel rejected. Or so it may seem. 社会评论家倾向于说目前在孩子们的活动中,每个人都会仅因为参与尝试过了而得到奖励,这样就没人会有被排斥感。或者看起来就是这样的。
Yet competition to get into the best colleges is fiercer than ever. 而且进入一流大学的竞争比以前更加激烈了。
Students may worry that low grades will keep them out of graduate school or a good job. 学生可能会担心低等级将会使研究院或好工作将他们拒之门外。