第 240 课:气候变化大会-1

Almost two hundred countries met for two weeks at a United Nations conference on climate change in Copenhagen , Denmark. 大约 200 个国家就气候变化的国际大会在丹麦哥本哈根会面两周。

In the end, only five of them reached an agreement: the United States , China , India , Brazil and South Africa. 最后,只有其中的 5 个国家达成协议,他们是:美国、中国、印度、巴西、南非。

President Obama praised the agreement last Friday. 总统奥巴马上周 5 赞赏该协议。

This week, he said many people are disappointed in the agreement. 本周他说很多人对协议很失望,

But he said the compromise was better than nothing. 但是他说妥协总比什么都没有强。