第 240 课:气候变化大会-4

India , for example, has promised to cut emissions by at least twenty percent from two thousand five levels by two thousand twenty. 如,印度被允许到 2020 年在 2005 的水平上减排至少 20% 。

But big developing countries do not want to limit their economic growth. 但是重要的发展中国家并不想限制他们经济的增长。

They say rich nations created the problem, so they should take most of the responsibility for reducing greenhouse gases. 他们说发达国家造成的问题,所以他们应该在减少温室气体排放上承担更多的责任。

China rejected accusations by critics that it was responsible for the results at Copenhagen. 中国反对批评家就中国应该对哥本哈根会议的发果负责的指控。

A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said developed countries did not perform well at the talks. 外交部发言人说发达国家在大会上表现不佳。