第 240 课:气候变化大会-5

She said China has taken its own measures to fight climate change and supports pressing ahead with international cooperation. 她说中国已采取自己的措施对抗气候变化并非常支持之前与国际的合作。

China and other large developing countries have accused rich nations of failing to offer big enough cuts in their own emissions. 中国和其它大的发展中国家指责发达国家未能提出他们自己国家的排放做足够的削减。

They also say wealthy nations did not offer enough money and technology to help poor countries deal with climate change. 他们同时指出发达国家并未提供充足的资金和技术帮助贫穷国家应对气候变化。

In Europe , politicians and environmentalists expressed deep disappointment that world leaders failed to reach a stronger agreement. 在欧洲,政治家和环境保护学家就世界领导人未能达成一份有效的协议表达了深深的失望。