第 242 课:保持中立-1

Public schools in the United States have to be neutral about religion, even though they close for holidays like Christmas. 美国的公立中小学必须在宗教上保持中立,即使他们很贴近像圣诞节这类节日。

The Constitution separates religion from government. 宪法规定宗教与政府相互分离。

Those words are part of the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of expression and other rights. 这些话是第一修正案的一部分,它保证了表达的自由和其他一些权利。

Charles Haynes is a senior scholar at the First Amendment Center, a group that studies free expression issues. Charles Haynes 是第一修正案中心的高级学者,这一中心是专门研究言论自由问题的。

In the last generation or so, different groups have encouraged public schools to celebrate diversity and cultural differences. 在新一代以及以后的人中,不同的组织都已鼓励公立中小学赞扬多样性和文化上的差异。