第 243 课:冻伤和体温-5

Pay attention to the places where snow can enter, like the tops of boots, the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens. 注意那些可能进雪的地方,比如靴子口,衣领以及手套的腕部。

And here are two other things to keep in mind, one for children and the other for adults. 这里还有两招要记住,一个是对儿童的一个是对成年人的。

Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the body's temperature. 吃雪可能是挺好玩的,但是,它会降低身体温度。

And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm. 另外,喝酒可以会让身体暖和。

But what it really does is weaken the body's ability to hold heat. 但是,这样做其实会降低身体的保温能力。

Next week: advice from experts about what to do, and not to do, to help someone injured by extreme cold. 下周话题:专家意见——严寒冻伤者的宜、忌。