第 244 课:教育科技-2

For example, some schools use computers for activities like video conferencing, to bring the world into the classroom. 例如,一些学校运用计算机开展诸如视频讨论的活动,把现实世界引入课堂。

And some classrooms are equipped with things like a smart board, a kind of interactive white board. 并且,一些教室配备有交互式电子白板,一种能相互交流的教学白板。

Interactive white boards are large displays for presentations. 交互式白板是用于表述时的大型显示器,

They connect to a computer and can operate by touch. 它们与电脑相联,能通过触摸操作。

They can be used for documents or writing or to projective video. 它们可以用作文档、著述或者投影仪。