第 245 课:温室效用-2

A common design looks like a high tunnel. 一个普遍的形状是像一个高高的隧道。

Unlike a greenhouse which uses a heating system, a hoop house is heated by the warmth of the sun. 温室大棚运用大阳的热量来加热,而不像温室使用加热系统。

Now, the United States department of agriculture has announced a program to help farmers who want to build hoop houses. 如今,美国农业部已发布了一项旨在帮助希望建造温室大棚的的农户的计划。

The department, through its cooperative state research, education and extension service, has been supporting a project in Michigan. 农业部,通过其合作的州立研究、教育和推广服务机构,已经在密歇根州获得了项目支持。

That states has a short growing season. 该的种植季节短。