第 245 课:温室效用-5

The agriculture economist points to the demand for locally grow crops. 农业经济学家则想到了对本地种植的作物的需求。

"People are hungry for good fresh vegetables," he says. 他说:“人们渴望有好的、新鲜的蔬菜。”

Hoop houses for winter growing can even be found at the white house, where Michelle Obama has a vegetable garden. 作为冬天种植的温室大棚甚至在白宫也能看到,米歇尔。

The houses are small because of limited space on the South Lawn. 奥巴马在那里有个菜园子。由于白宫南草坪的面积有限,所以大棚较小。

A hoop house specialist at Michigan state university, Adam Montri, has videos on YouTube explaining how to build one. 密歇根州立大学的温室大棚专家, Adam Montri 在 YouTube 上有介绍如何建造大棚的录像片。