第 247 课:新的血细胞-1

Last week, researchers in the United States reported curing nine adults with sickle cell disease. 据报道,上周在美国研究人员治愈了九名患有镰状细胞(贫血)病的成年人。

Ten patients in all were treated in a study with donated bone marrow. 在一项研究中,总共有十位病人接受了捐赠骨髓的治疗。

The healthy marrow causes new blood cells to form. 健康的骨髓可促使新的血细胞的形成。

Sickle cell disease, also called sickle cell anemia, is a genetic condition that deforms red blood cells. 镰状细胞(贫血)病又称镰状细胞血症,是一种可以使红血球变形的遗传症状。

They become sticky and harden into the shape of the letter C, like a sickle, a hand tool with a curved blade. 红血球会变得粘稠,并且硬化成字母 C 的形状,像一种有弯曲刀片的手持工具,镰刀。