第 247 课:新的血细胞-4

But people who donate marrow must first have tests to make sure they are a good match for the patient. 但捐赠骨髓的人先必须接受测试以确保他们的骨髓与病人是很好匹配的。

The New England journal of medicine published the study. 新英格兰医学杂志发表了这项研究。

John Tisdale at the national institutes of health was the lead investigator. 在国家健康协会的 John Tisdale 是主要研究人。

He says other uses for the treatment are also likely to be found. 他是疗法的其他用途有可能会找到。

Black people in Africa are the huge majority of those with sickle cell disease. 非洲的黑人是患有镰状细胞(贫血)病的巨大群体。